Muay Thai training: How to train like a Muay Thai fighter!
Muay Thai, or Thai boxing, is one of the most popular martial arts in the world, with thousands of practitioners around the globe.
Art was developed in Thailand during the 18th century. Since then, it has seen tremendous popularity worldwide, even having been recognized by the International Olympic Committee as an official sport. Muay Thai training involves lots of drills, sparring matches, and generally working on your stamina to last through long fights without tiring out too quickly.
Here are some things to consider for training as a Muay Thai fighter!
Warm-up, Stretching, and Cooling down!
Stretching is always part of a Muay Thai workout; however, how often you stretch will depend on your chosen program.
Some kickboxing gyms focus primarily on physical strength and power-based exercises, while others incorporate more stretching.
Stretching is crucial to improve flexibility and keep muscles elastic regardless of which program you choose. It also decreases your risk of injuries while increasing your performance in fighting and sparring situations.
Similarly, cooling down after a fight or sparring session with light exercise helps bring your heart rate back down to normal levels more quickly, allowing for better recovery between workouts.
In addition, these post-workout stretches can be used as part of any stretching routine during any other workout that requires it—not just kickboxing training.
Muay Thai Workout Exercises!
If you want to learn how to be successful with your Muay Thai, you'll have to put in some hard work in your training and conditioning.
Your workout will include various punches, kicks, knees, and elbows, but don't let that fool you into thinking that it's easy - it's one of the most physically demanding martial arts out there!
However, if you stick with your routine and keep at it, you'll start seeing results quickly.
When you are doing Muay Thai workouts, you must be doing them correctly, so they count as a workout instead of just hitting someone lightly while holding pads. Here are some exercises for the Muay Thai Training:
- Muay Thai Kickboxing (Low Blocks, High Kicks, Footwork)
- Squats
- Jumping Rope
- Lunges
- Bicep Curls
- Pushups
- Crunches
- Sprints
- Calf Raises
- Seated Heavy Bag Punches
Common Mistakes in Training!
The main difference between professional fighters and people who want to get in shape is their approach. Rather than treating every session as an opportunity for calorie burning, pros tailor their exercises and reps based on what they want from each workout.
A workout might be heavy on striking one day, on clinch work another, or combine both to pack in as much learning as possible. This will feel more efficient but requires you to have a solid base before you can start mixing things up.
Incorporating too many new techniques will make it hard for your body (and brain) to process all at once, so ease into new training methods until you're confident in your abilities.
If you find yourself getting tired during a session, it's probably time to take a break—unless you've set aside that time specifically for conditioning drills.
For example, you'll never see a pro do 100 pushups in a row; instead, they'll do two sets of 50 with breaks in between.
That way, even though they're working harder overall than someone doing just 50 pushups at a time, their muscles are rested enough to give them maximum power when it counts.
Remember: You don't need to try and impress anyone with how long or hard you can train; instead, focus on being efficient with your efforts.
You'll be amazed by how much better your skills improve when you stop thinking about pounding through sets and instead concentrate on perfecting technique!